Woman with big blue eyes suffering from glaucoma, a damage in the eye optic nerve. This may lead to gradual loss of vision.

Glaucoma: Causes, Prevention, and Natural Treatments

Complete Guide to Glaucoma

Natural Treatments for Glaucoma

Omega 3 (PUFAs)
Cannabis / CBD
Turmeric / Curcumin / H
Punarnava / Boerhavia d
Gooseberry / Ribes / Cu
False Daisy / Eclipta p
Chelation Therapy
Apitherapy Honey Produc

Glaucoma Dos and Don'ts

Conduct regular check-ups to help detect glaucoma in its early stages, before the optic nerve is damaged.

Engage in moderate exercise to enhance the flow of blood to the eyes. This helps maintain healthy eye pressure levels.

Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation as extensive exposure to UV light can damage the eyes.

Drink less caffeine because high amounts of caffeine increase pressure inside the eye.

Taking steroids for long periods of time to treat certain medical conditions might increase your eye pressure, particularly if you already have glaucoma.

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