Woman face showing signs of solar keratosis or skin patches as a result of sun exposure.

Beauty and hygiene

Actinic Keratosis (Solar Keratosis)

Solar Keratosis: Causes, Prevention, and Natural Treatments

Complete Guide to Actinic Keratosis (Solar Keratosis)

Natural Treatments for Actinic Keratosis (Solar Keratosis)

Folic Acid / Folate / V

Actinic Keratosis (Solar Keratosis) Dos and Don'ts

Use a sunscreen of an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30. The higher the number of SPF, the more protection it gives from the sun because exposure to UV radiation triggers

Checking your skin regularly is important to avoid the progression of actinic keratosis into squamous cell cancer. 10% of actinic keratosis might progress to become squamous

For extra protection from the sun wear UV protective clothing such as a broad brim hat or a SPF (Sun Protection Factor) sun shirt. These can protect from UV radiation coming

Avoid UV exposure especially between 11am and 3 pm because this is when the sun is the strongest. The UV radiation exposure can damage the DNA inside the skin cells, thus causing

Tanning beds are considered dangerous as they might cause cancer. This is- because they damage the DNA inside the skin cells in the same way UV radiation does. Hence, avoiding

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