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Diabetes Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Diabetes Dos and Don'ts: Prevention and Lifestyle Changes

What you should Do for Diabetes

Exercise regularly for diabetes: woman holding a gym mat and going to do sport.

Daily physical activity helps regulate blood glucose levels. Combine aerobic exercises such as jogging and cycling with resistance training.

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Maintain a healthy weight for diabetes: woman with a nice body doing sun tanning.

Maintaining a healthy body weight can improve insulin resistance and regulate blood sugar levels.

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Monitor your feet and eyes for early signs of diabetes: close up on feet coming out of bed.

Monitoring your feet, skin, and eyes is important because early symptoms of diabetes appear in those places. Hence, this would allow patients to detect the problems

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Monitor blood sugar levels: nurse checking blood sugar level using a monitor.

Always monitor blood sugar levels to make sure they are in the normal range.

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Check food label for diabetes: woman checking food label in a supermarket.

Always read food labels carefully before you buy any products to see the amount of sugar. Check also for hidden food ingredients in food labels, especially if you are following

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Follow up with your doctor for diabetes: doctor appointment in a clinic.

Always consult your doctor and monitor your glucose levels if you are taking any medication or following a special diet. The medication and/or diet might lower your blood

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Consume lean meat for diabetes: lean raw meat on a plate.

Consume lean meats because they are lower in saturated fat compared to regular meat cuts.

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What you should Avoid for Diabetes

Avoid unhealthy foods for diabetes: cheese burgers, fried chicken, and fries.

Make sure your diet is nutrient-rich and low in saturated fats.  If you consume unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans-fats, you may increase your body’s

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Avoid carbohydrates for diabetes: different kinds of pasta carbohydrates.

Carbs are metabolized into glucose and can increase blood glucose levels. Limit your carbohydrate intake to keep your blood sugar levels balanced.

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Avoid alcohol for diabetes: green alcoholic drinks in glasses.

Avoid alcohol because it might decrease your blood sugar to dangerous levels. The American Diabetes Association recommends checking your blood sugar level before

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Avoid sweeteners for diabetes: sugar and sweeteners.

Sugar is naturally present in fruits and dairy, so people should consume these foods in limited amounts. Watch out for sweeteners as well because they might not be considered

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